80 km | 49.7 mi from Haslemere feat. Amberley, River Arun & Graffham Common.
This is one of our favourite rides for a day on the bike! With this 80km route you will enjoy quiet lanes, dozens of flowery cottages and stunning river views. And just wait until you see the coffee stop…
Rating > Difficult
Terrain > Rolling hills and country lanes
Elevation Gain > 970m | 3,182ft

The ride starts at Haslemere train station, in the heart of the South Downs. Within no time you’ll be transported to lush nature, you're in the South Downs National Park after all! Simply get your climbing legs ready, because you’re in for a hilly one. Don't let this scare you off though as the beauty of the Downs with its rolling fields and stone bridges crossing both the River Arun and Rother help make it a little easier.

You’ll pass the very cute village of Amberley. It’s worth detouring slightly from the road to explore if you like quaint English villages. The cottages are dreamy and in the summer it’s an explosion of colours as roses, poppies and hydrangeas adorn every single garden.
Now it’s time for coffee, and you’re in for a treat! The Riverside Cafe has a bike rack, a huge terrace and an unbeatable view of the River Arun. You can decide if you’re feeling a savoury snack or a traditional cream tea.
Whatever option you go for, the food is delicious, and with this view it’s not easy to get rolling again!
The roads for the next 20km are stunning and we can never get enough of the bridges and little churches scattered over the countryside. The Holy Cross in Bignor is one of these little gems we found.
After 54kms, you turn left onto a short segment (roughly 2km) that is borderline gravel. It’s a lovely stretch of road, but if you’d rather stick to smooth tarmac then keep going straight and turn left at the next junction instead.

The rest of the route is as smooth as it can be with many more lanes, forests, churches and cottages to take in. It's always a reminder of why I love living in England.
Enjoy the ride!

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Getting there:
By car: Haslemere Station Car Park, 29 Lower St, GU27 2NY
By train: Haslemere Train Station
Help us improve if there is a problem with the route:
All routes are illustrative only and users take full responsibility for their own safety when following any routes suggested on the Moloko Cycling website or app.
Only follow route if safe and legal to so, local traffic laws always take priority.
Take care to ride safely and respect other road users.